the world is chock full of shit, at least when you make art, make it small so it doesn't take up too much room and make it intimate
tapir started out making ceramic designs with subjects of film, music, deep sea creatures, art and stuff
tapir is busy making stencilled dollars, graffiti canvases and down cycled sculptures
a bit political, a bit rude, a bit arty
even a curious and slightly comical mammal knows that he can change the world......but not on his own, encourage him by patronising him
and always remember.....paul klees ghost told him to do it

“I'm a testimonial. Click to edit me and add text that says something nice about you and your services.”

you're a shit artist, get a proper job..
Farhath- the face of Dismaland

“Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.”
― Banksy